Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.
Virgin Active

Sail on a Fitness Revolution


With Revolution you can train wherever you want, whenever you want. But how far can you go?

What if... you train on a cruise ship?

Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.

With the arrival of summer, Virgin Active wanted to express the concept of training even when you are on vacation, away from your gym, in a completely new context.

Revolution's campaigns are always set in “everyday” settings: home, garden, gym.

From the collaboration between Virgin Active Italia and Virgin Cruise, comes the possibility of setting the summer campaign on a fantastic cruise ship.

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Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.
Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.

To take advantage of this unusual location, the challenge we set ourselves was precisely to make the ship itself the “plot twist” of the campaign.

In the first 2/3 of the video, we don't show the viewer where we are. All the scenes represent the usual “routine” of revolution, workouts and details on the settings that make you think of particular, summer places... But certainly not of a floating city.

Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.
Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.
Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.
Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.


The sound of the siren, which breaks the rhythm and reveals where we are, has allowed us to make the most of the location, alternating the last part between moments of relaxation and moments of training.

To show, in addition to Virgin Active's solid and continuous desire for challenge, also its playful and extravagant side.

Additional Credits: Video production Elephant Studio

“Embark on a new way of doing a workout”
Advertising sport for Virgin Active for their Revolution product, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.