Between the notes

Plus one.

+1, A percentage point doesn't do much of an effect if you look at numbers through the eyes.
An extra point, on the scoreboard, means having come first.
Adding a 'plus one' to what we do, makes us be remembered.
We talk about it today, in the new issue of #TraleNote.

Friends and friends, welcome back Between the Notes. This season is taking on different connotations than last, I think you notice: the ideas are more concrete and the themes are more practical. I hope you like it; for any feedback I'll wait for you here →

Today we are talking about 'plus one', about that extra step that can distinguish you and make you stand out, in projects and relationships, both outside and inside your business project.

I'm not talking about the obsession to do more (that thank goodness is lost with time), but with being determined to do what is required of us, and to leave an extra mark of our own, that can say: This is us.

Create the Forma Mentis to always lean towards the search for their “plus one” is essential for those who do this job, already demanding and exhausting at the start, so let's talk about it, starting from why.

One more step for you

How ready do you feel to recognize an opportunity? What is the standard, for you, to be able to say: “Damn, this is really an opportunity to show who I am”?

For me, it was a very, very low threshold for a long time.

Since university, I have always experienced every exam given as an opportunity to share with others a world full of colors, shapes and inner words that urgently needed to come out.

These opportunities for judgment, for me, were vents, moments to express myself, often ending up adding that extra step.

That extra step,

I can see it now huh,

lined up with all the other steps, it made it possible to take an extra walk, to see, learn, test and fail more.

That extra step,


He made me wear a red and white striped sweater, like Waldo.

You're looking for Waldo, and Waldo, in his own way, knows how to be found.

An extra gesture for them

We talked about the proxy in the last note and we are not going back to it today, but one thing is certain:

Receiving makes you learn to give, and giving leads you to receive.

I am sure of this, convinced to the core, because I had so much from others, and now I would spend all my working hours thinking about them.

They, the people who, with their different and complex characters and personalities, give life to Aperto. They also need a Plus one.

It is no coincidence that this paragraph is in the middle, between you and others; here we are talking about companies, and to be able to give more to your customers, you must be helped by your people. Leading by example.

This, for my little experience, goes from a very simple concept: the cure.

Show care for them, through all the tools you have: from listening to kindness, going from money to sharing direction.

They will be the ones to pour out the care received, outside, to others.

One more reason for others

Instant gratification.

The mother of satisfaction.


I throw a piece of ice and it splits, man, ah what a pleasure. Sorry, I have some hidden and uncontrollable animalistic cues.

I Plus one, lead very easily to obtaining belly answers, to human reactions from the other. Also of our customers. So let's give them to them!

We create surprise, amazement, or simply work on experience: many, in my industry (communication, design or marketing), count the team's hours to create quotes.

But what about the customer's hours spent with us instead? Whether in person, remotely or through written communication, how are they at sharing Some time with us? Would they like to do it differently?

These are questions that we, as guides, must ask ourselves.

These are actions that go beyond the subject of the work that is requested of us,

which by its nature must be carried out at its best.

They are small plus one, that in line, one after the other,

they create the reason why your project is chosen.

Until the next note.
