Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.

Travel to an island


“What would you take with you to a deserted island?”
How many times have they asked us, and how many times we haven't been able to answer!
But then who has ever really been on a deserted island?

When we embarked on the project together with Isliday, we immediately studied the winds, traced the course and identified the stages for holding. So to speak! A careful eye and ear were the compass that led us to our destination.

Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.

Isliday's Web redesign was carried out with the objective of reorganizing the contents and creating a user experience that would adequately represent the destinations and the number of structures present on the platform.

A well-structured Design System was fundamental in the initial manufacturing process, thanks to which the team achieved an aesthetic improvement of the platform, creating visual coherence between the site and all the brand's other digital products.

From the homepage to the user area, from the search results to the checkout phase, Aperto's goal was to enhance the natural beauty of the individual islands and make it easier for the user to choose a tailor-made accommodation.

visit the website
Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.
Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.

Starting brand communication from scratch is always a challenge. To deal with it in the best possible way, we studied an editorial plan populated with various contents that would meet the different needs of the public: inspirational posts, for those who seek beauty in a sunset over the ocean or in the glimpse of an ancient village; informational posts, for those who love to receive curiosities and read stories before experiencing them firsthand.

The goal? Communicate Isliday's main activities and business in a clear and clear way, just like seawater, in full Aperto style. We have therefore alternated with entertainment content, others in which we can find answers on booking methods or information from previous customers.

Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.
Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.
Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.
Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.
“Let yourself be carried away by the magic of the islands.”
Digital communication and web interface design for the new Isliday tour operator, created by Aperto Studio in Florence.